Demo: CDF, CML, and OpenAI for Custom Chatbots
This video demonstrates how Cloudera DataFlow (CDF), Cloudera Machine Learning (CML), and OpenAI can be leveraged to build a custom knowledge base that an enterprise can use for enabling individuals to access their own Custom Q and A chatbot. Using CDF, we deploy a Nifi template that accepts a website’s sitemap as parameter of a POST request made from Postman, and outputs the important html content of every page from the website. CML utilizes OpenAI’s API to semantic search with the gathered documents and outputs a result based on content from the custom knowledge base.
Want to Read More and Get Started?
If what I discussed in the demo sounds interesting to you, I would encourage you to check out the links below and get hands on. Any of the code that I have written in this article you are welcome to use and build on as you wish!